2023 Appropriations Act Will Become Law, Enacting Major Conservative Policy Wins for North Carolina

Raleigh, NC – Today, after final Senate approval of the 2023 Appropriations Act, Governor Roy Cooper announced that although he will not sign the budget, he will allow it become law without his signature.

NC House Speaker Tim Moore said, “While I am disappointed that Governor Cooper has refused to sign the budget, I am grateful for the bipartisan support it has received and am looking forward to the 2023 Appropriations Act becoming law.”

He continued, “Thanks to the surplus achieved as a result of the last several years of fiscal responsibility by the Republican-led General Assembly, the 2023 Appropriations Act not only invests in the most pressing needs of North Carolinians, but includes several policy wins for our state. Some of these policies include fighting the onerous Green New Deal, enacting universal school choice, implementing election security, providing income tax relief, banning COVID-19 mandates, and more. I am proud of the budget that has passed both chambers today and look forward to the 2023 Appropriations Act becoming law so that North Carolina families can benefit from these conservative policy wins as soon as possible.”


North Carolina House Gives Final Approval to 2023 Appropriations Act

Today the NC House of Representatives gave final approval to the 2023 Appropriations Act in a bipartisan vote.

Among other things, this budget expands school choice to all North Carolina families, cuts taxes, bans COVID-19 mandates, makes significant investments in rural infrastructure, and makes record investments in mental health.

NC House Speaker Tim Moore said, “I could not be prouder of the budget approved by the House today, and I am encouraged by the bipartisan support it received from my friends on the other side of the aisle. Thanks to the fiscally responsible work of this General Assembly on behalf of the people of North Carolina, we have made significant investments where they are needed most.”

He continued, “The record investments we have made in water and sewer infrastructure, mental health, workforce development, transportation, community colleges, education, and more, will have lasting impact on North Carolina families that will be felt statewide. I look forward to Senate approval and the Governor’s signature on the 2023 Appropriations Act so it can be enacted as soon as possible.”


NC House Speaker Statement on Gov. Cooper’s Intent to Veto SB 747

Today, the NC House Speaker Tim Moore released the following statement Gov. Cooper’s intent to veto SB 747, “Elections Law Changes.”

NC House Speaker Tim Moore said, “Gov. Cooper is mischaracterizing a bill that simply strengthens election integrity in North Carolina.”

He continued, “It’s unfortunate that he would rather score political points by crying ‘racism’ than be honest about the balanced, common-sense election reforms passed in the House and Senate. I anticipate the House will swiftly override his veto.”

NC House of Representatives Overrides Six More Vetoes

Raleigh, NC – Today, the NC House of Representatives voted to override six more of Governor Cooper’s vetoes:

✔ HB 574: Prevent biological men from competing in women’s sports

✔ HB 808: Prohibit gender transition surgeries and puberty blockers for minors

✔ HB 219, 618: Expand access to streamline approval of charter schools

✔ SB 49: Affirm parental rights over their child’s education, well-being, privacy and safety

✔ HB 488: Block costly new home building energy regulations

NC House Speaker Moore said, “The House has successfully overridden six more of Gov. Cooper’s vetoes, resulting in huge wins for North Carolina women, parents, and families.”

He continued, “While Governor Cooper has tried to stand between parents and their kids, today the NC House will continue to affirm parent’s rights, protect female athletes, and advocate for the health and safety of our children.”


NC Speaker Tim Moore Statement re: SCOTUS Moore v. Harper Decision

Today the Supreme Court of the United States issued their decision in the Moore v. Harper case.

NC House Speaker Tim Moore said, “Today the United States Supreme Court has determined that state courts may rule on questions of state law even if it has an impact on federal elections law. Ultimately, the question of the role of state courts in congressional redistricting needed to be settled and this decision has done just that. I am proud of the work we did to pursue this case to the nation’s highest court.”

He continued, “Fortunately the current Supreme Court of North Carolina has rectified bad precedent from the previous majority, reaffirming the state constitutional authority of the NC General Assembly. We will continue to move forward with the redistricting process later this year.”

House Overrides Governor’s Veto of the “Care for Women, Children, and Families Act”

Today the North Carolina House of Representatives voted to override the Governor’s veto of SB 20, the “Care for Women, Children, and Families Act.”

North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore said, “I am proud that the House has overridden the Governor’s veto of this meaningful, mainstream legislation. Senate Bill 20 will save lives and provide needed support for women and families while putting North Carolina’s abortion law in line with the most of rest of the free world.”

He continued, “Today the North Carolina House of Representatives has affirmed the value of human life, and I am proud that the ‘Care for Women, Children, and Families Act’ is now law.”

NC House Speaker Tim Moore Responds to Governor’s Veto of SB 20

Today Governor Roy Cooper vetoed SB 20, the “Care for Women, Children, and Families Act.”

North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore responded with the following statement:

“Governor Cooper has spent the past week, including Mother’s Day weekend, spreading misinformation about SB 20 in an effort to frighten voters and appease campaign donors.”

He continued, “The truth is, the Care for Women, Children, and Families Act will save unborn lives, protect women, and support families. His veto will be swiftly overridden.”

NC Supreme Court Delivers Rulings to Reinstate Voter ID, Affirm the Legislature’s Redistricting Authority and End Unconstitutional Felon Voting

Today, the NC Supreme Court published three separate decisions that will:

North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore said, “The decisions handed down today by the NC Supreme Court have ensured that our constitution and the will of the people of North Carolina are honored.”

He continued, “Nearly five years after the voters of this state overwhelmingly voted in favor of photo ID at the polls, it has finally become the law of the land. We will fulfill our constitutional duty to redraw state house, senate and congressional maps.”


North Carolina House Votes to Override Governor’s Veto of SB 41

Today, pursuant to House rules and in concordance with the printed calendar distributed to members Tuesday evening, the North Carolina House passed a procedural motion to suspend debate on the veto override of SB 41, Guarantee 2nd Amendment Freedom and Protections.

In a vote of 71-46, the House voted to override Governor Cooper’s veto. SB 41 will now become law.

NC House Speaker Tim Moore said, “This legislation preserves the Second Amendment rights of North Carolinians by repealing the outdated pistol permit system. It also allows all churches and other place of religious worship to protect their parishioners and launches a statewide firearm safe storage awareness initiative.”

He continued, “These have been long-standing goals of Second Amendment advocates in our state, and we have finally brought this legislation over the finish line.”

NC House Gives Final Approval to HB 76, “Access to Healthcare Options”

Today House Bill 76, “Access to Healthcare Options” has passed the North Carolina House of Representatives in a vote of 87 to 24.

NC House Speaker Tim Moore said, “This is an historic step forward to increase access to healthcare for our rural communities.”

He continued, “Considering the HASP funds and the work provisions put in place in this bill along with other safeguards, our workforce will remain strong as we expand access to healthcare for those who need it in the most conservative and fiscally responsible way possible. I look forward to a passing a strong conservative budget for North Carolina so that expansion can take affect.”

House Bill 76 will be sent to Governor Cooper for his signature.