North Carolina House Leadership Files Bill to Ensure Citizens-Only Voting

Raleigh, NC – Today, North Carolina House Leadership filed House Bill 1074, to ensure citizens-only voting in North Carolina.

North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore said,

“In North Carolina, we value the integrity of our elections and have put safeguards in place to ensure our elections are secure. Recent efforts to allow non-citizens to vote would undermine the public’s confidence in our electoral system and leave the door open for chaos and election fraud to take hold. Preventing non-citizens from voting in our elections also helps maintain national sovereignty, as it prevents foreign influence from affecting the outcomes of American elections, and this amendment to our constitution would further strengthen election integrity in North Carolina.”

North Carolina House Rules Chairman Destin Hall said,

“Tightening our elections laws so that only U.S. citizens are voting in this country ensures that those making decisions about our country’s future have a vested interest in its well-being. Voting is a fundamental right and privilege reserved for citizens of the United States, and I am proud to support this effort to ensure the integrity of our elections.”

North Carolina House Majority Leader John Bell said,

“Polling shows North Carolinians overwhelmingly support a citizens-only voting amendment to our state’s constitution. It is a commonsense measure to further safeguard and uphold the integrity of our elections. I am proud to sponsor this bill with my colleagues and confident the voters of North Carolina will join us in this effort.”

North Carolina House Majority Whip Karl Gillsespie said,

“In order to preserve the democratic principles of our nation, it is imperative that we ensure the integrity of our elections. I am proud to sponsor this bill.”