Raleigh, N.C. – Employment figures released by the state Department of Commerce this week show North Carolina added 85,879 jobs over the last year.
The number of people unemployed decreased by 20,263 over the year.
The employment growth data follows a positive revenue outlook released by the state legislature’s Fiscal Research Division in January showing tax collections on track and an economy in a stable growth pattern.
State House Speaker Tim Moore released a statement:
“The General Assembly kept a commitment to North Carolina families to put their needs first,” Moore said. “The result is sustained economic success and a state on solid financial footing.”
“It’s more good news that tens of thousands of new jobs opened across North Carolina over the last year. We will maintain our proven approach to building a state economy that benefits working people and businesses.”
The North Carolina General Assembly enacted historic tax relief this decade to save state taxpayers billions of dollars, encourage economic growth and spur job creation.
Since 2011 the General Assembly has levied a lower sales tax rate, income tax rate and corporate tax rate on North Carolina families and businesses, while raising the standard deduction for low-income earners.